my picture
I am
Ahmed Yassin
a Full Stack

My Tech Stack

Technologies and languages I’ve been working with recently

html css js tailwind bootstrap react github dotnet postgresql python tf opencv


Things I've built recently

Library Management System

Library Management System

LMS a streamlined solution crafted with ASP.NET Core and React to modernize the way libraries operate. Designed for both library staff and borrowers, to simplify the management of library resources.
Tech stack : ASP.NET Core 6, EF Core, Automapper, React.

Library Management System

Book Retrieval System
(AI powered robot)

An innovative book retrieval system empowered by AI and computer vision technology to efficiently locate and retrieve books.
Tech stack : Python, TensorFlow, OpenCV, Flask.

BugNet text-content-dark

BugNet Core

BugNet Core offers a robust solution for development teams to efficiently handle bug reports, collaborate in real-time, and provide live support to customers.
Tech stack : ASP.NET Core 8, EF Core, Automapper, React.


Get in touch!